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@avfcdave87 Yip, it's his own fault really, 29 goals this season and in form, he never gave himself a chance to get into the side! I completely agree with youn

@severance 29 goals in 43 appearances, in great form, as if Roy would have selected him!

I'm not remotely surprised that Roy has left Kane out of the starting XI.

@pangloss Yip, my point is that scaremongering and stigmatising others with depression by using words like "madman isn't acceptable.

@wayneshed70 Exactly, it doesn't mean we defend his actions, just sick of depression being portrayed in such a scaremongering way. Sadly some still don't understand the severity of mental health illnesses. Such a shame.

@wayneshed70 It's quite concerning how many wilfully ignorant people are still out there. Of course The Sun took it a step further than any other publication!

@pangloss I'm obviously not defending him. I'm unhappy with the way they have portrayed and fed into the stigma that surrounds depression.

@rowettsbluearmy Yip, innocent people. What he has done makes me sick, inhumane, I just don't understand why papers think it's acceptable to blame depression.

@matt70cfc That's not my point. Of course what he did is disgusting, you just can't assume that it is because he suffers with depression and use such stigmatising words.

@rowettsbluearmy You can't just assume that because he has previously suffered from depression, that is the reason he committed such a vile act. Also, why stigmatise depression sufferers by using words like "crazed and a "madman

Inaccurate reporting has always been this rag's way, why change now. Vile, abhorrent, scum. Never buy The Sun.

@papasmurf1601 I hope you get to see one! MVG was ridiculous tonight, wasn't he!

What an incredible display from MVG tonight. Missed d12 for a nine-darter, 7 180s and a 160 checkout. Magnificent.

@dutch1980 He really was!! An absolute joy to watch :)

160 checkout from MvG. Absolutely incredible.

Cameron and Miliband could have at least waited until after the darts. #BattleForNumber10

@marc Haha, I agree! I'm hungover tonight so it's annoying me even more than usual!

Anyone want to hit a double or?

Superb from Anderson. 152 and 134 checkouts. Great match!

The Yaya/Kolo chant has about as much relevance to darts as walk on girls. It angers me more than it should.

Come on, Bunting!!

Yes!! Much better performance from Chizzy.

@alikeabledouche Same here! I might have to watch next week now haha (record and watch after the football, of course!)

Best thing that's ever happened on One Born Every Minute... "The Dr told me, 'You've got sperm like West Brom, it's not great but it's not too bad so we can work with it.'" Hilarious!

I absolutely love international football, especially now Wales are playing with pride, passion and belief again. Unlike Ryan Giggs, it's country before club for me.

Having done absolutely nothing during his time at Swansea, you just know Itay Shechter is going to have the game of his career on Saturday!

@papasmurf1601 Indeed, almost unplayable. I do still bel18ve that Fed can win another Slam though.

@papasmurf1601 I didn't think Trump would come back from 4-1 down but fair play, he showed great maturity to do so

@papasmurf1601 First set in particular, almost unplayable! Absolutely phenomenal on serve, Fed couldn't get near his first serve!

It's the hope that destroys me. #FedForLife