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Ashley Anten @anten4588

Houston are on it!!

jae @jaeworkman

Where is rondo

jae @jaeworkman

This game getting chippy

jae @jaeworkman

Ball don't lie

jae @jaeworkman

Only 8 for dirk

Marston @marston

Is that josh smith out there? Wow hes been incredible

Griffin Rucker @ruckergriffin

Paul Blart > Josh Smith

SilviOMFG @silvinho01

This Houston crowd is sorry. Warriors fans are a steak dinner. Rockets fans is a microwaved burrito.

Marston @marston

The Espn Playoff intro is the worst thing i ever seen in my life

Ashley Anten @anten4588

Houston to beat Dallas in 6 games

Ashley Anten @anten4588

Houston takes the Southwest division and the 2nd seed in the West

Rich Quimby @richquimby

Can someone please tell me why no one takes about Harden never performing well in BIG games especially playoffs? To me he just never comes thru when it really matters!

Ashley Anten @anten4588

Harden has killed this game

Ryan Beasant @ryanbeasant99

Do you think Harden can win the MVP

Ashley Anten @anten4588

This man for me is the true MVP

Cameron Hall @cammy

Thanks for saying good game to me

JDJ @jdjjdjfire

Doris Burke was saying Kyrie is amazing for having 2 50 point games in the season meanwhile Harden has 10+ 40 point games #HardenForMVP

Conrad L Hays IV @conradlhaysiv

Hardin sucks, MVP ?? No way. Hardin ain't even close to Lebron. Lebron is the MVP

Ashley Anten @anten4588

Always sucks to lose a close game

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