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Dougie Burton @redfang

derby have won 2 from their last 10 games and that were against the bottom 2 Blackpool and Wigan. The Terriers should go in to today's game confident and positive! Best Wishes to Huddersfield from a Forest fan!

Sara Swfc Cutts @sarz71

A REMINDER ABOUT THE APPLAUSE ON THE 48TH MIN. If your coming to Hilsborough today please could you join us Wednesday fans in showing massive amounts of respect for one of our own...... Afterall we're all one massive footballing family! Many Thanks x

Sara Swfc Cutts @sarz71

Huddersfield fans coming to Hillsborough on Saturday. .. We are trying to get a mins applause going for one of our fans who sadly lost his life today at the age of 48. His family would appreciate it if all 4 sides of the ground could pls join in. Afterall, we are all one massive footballing family x

James Fryer @jfryer

1st time on Sports Yapper - UTT

Samuel Walden @swalden8

Who was the better team last night?

Colin Mccarthy @zannil

Need at least a draw today

Sonofconsolation @sonofconsolation

just seen the score go go town, reading are just a cup team this year

Kris Balmforth @kaybee1977

World class players. Only from Preston ha ha United are a joke

Joe Townend @towne144

Is it too much to ask for a manager who picks the same team after we beat a team like Watford to week before? Not even tactical knowledge it's just common sense

Lucy Eccles @misslucye1990

Bah Middlesborough are winning one nil!

Joe Townend @towne144

Is it that hard for Powell to pick a consistent line-up?

Keir Patrick @keiroven


Darrent7 @darrent7

Leeds need Irvine, Barnsley need Redfearn. I like Danny Wilson but it isn't working this time round.

Darren Tear @darrent7

Redfearns a Barnsley fan anyway

Darren Tear @darrent7

These Italian lads won't like it when the cold weather sets in

Darren Tear @darrent7

If Billy Sharpe cannot get in this Leeds team there must be something drastically wrong

Darren Tear @darrent7

Billy Sharp must be a lazy bastard

OTBC @yellowarmy

What's the odds holty will score today haha! Going for a 3-1 today

Terry Eckersley @tezzah

Cmon u whites !! Hope eider has given our strikeforce a boost !!

Tom Isherwood @tisherwood

Let's hope we see goals second half

James Barrow @10barrowja

How is Rado Majewski doing on loan at Huddersfield??

Mah11970 @markhums1

3 points today forest on poor run!!........

Mick Porritt @mporrit2

Any huddersfield town fans on here?

Tom @tpcowell

Get in Huddersfield haha

Peter Stead @steadypete

Not sure why he's left Wells on bench. Thought Holt and Wells would be good together up front. Must be playing Holt up top on his own. I'd have gone for it myself.

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