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FA cup : PER vs TER...Now watching. Nice one
fuuhhhh...aku yg tak update camni pon masih dpt '1st eleven' kat malaysia...hahaha
MSL : Now watching SELANGOR vs LION12
masih krik krik krik... MSL overdose I bet.
krik krik krik.........
I don't know they've been doing a count
I'm 9th from Malaysia
I m # 8, chopot the captain
Number seven is in! Am I the only woman in here?
The Fifth element!! Lol
So i'm fourth
Does anyone here like the Dan Khoo videos? Check him out on YouTube, he's so funny.
So Im the third
I think so... Well, I guess I'm the second, then? Hello!
Wow! Am I the first Yapper for Malaysia?